Crowns, Bridges and Veneers

The appearance of our teeth is important to all of us. Veneers and crowns can be used to make your smile look great.

Crowns are also used to increase the strength of teeth which have large fillings or have had root canal treatment.

At Wingewarra dental we place all types of crowns, including porcelain-fused to-metal and ceramic crowns, and gold crowns which are suitable for those with heavy bites.


What is a veneer?

Veneers are thin pieces of porcelain which are bonded to the front surface of your teeth.

They can improve the look of your teeth by changing the shape or colour, or replacing small chipped pieces of teeth.


What is a crown?

Dental crowns cover over and encase the tooth they are placed on. 

They can be used to improve the appearance of your teeth or, to rebuild broken or decayed teeth to ‘strengthen’ them.


What is a bridge?

A bridge is used to replace missing teeth in the mouth. It uses remaining teeth to support the new ‘artificial’ tooth or teeth.

It is made up of two crowns for teeth on either side of the gap and the artificial teeth attached between them.

A bridge is permanently fixed in the mouth.


Emergency Dental Care

We have emergency appointments available every day. So if you are experiencing a dental emergency or require urgent dental care please call us on (02) 6884 9555.

Book an Appointment

Our experienced team provides gentle dental care in a relaxed environment. Our dentists are trained and qualified in Australia and are all members of the Australian Dental Association.