Kids Dentistry

“They are just baby teeth so they are not that important.”

Wrong! Baby, or ‘deciduous’ teeth are just as important as adult teeth. They help them speak properly, eat and keep space for the adult teeth when they come through.

If your children have decay in their baby teeth, they are more likely to get decay in their adult teeth.

50% of Australian children have tooth decay.

We only get one set of adult teeth and it is vital we learn to look after them at an early age.

The first baby tooth will erupt at about 6 months of age.

By 2 to 3 years of age they should have a full set of 20 baby teeth. If they haven’t had a dental visit by then, book them in for a check-up now!

Our dentists can discuss with you any questions you may have about your child’s oral health, diet and home-care routine they should be following.


First Dental Visit

It is important to start dental visits early and regularly. The Australian Dental Association recommends that your child’s first dental visit take place around 12 months of age. This will help them become used to the dental environment and more comfortable with visiting the dentist.

The first visit will usually only involve a “ride” in the chair and looking at their teeth and gums just to make sure everything is going ok.

Some children will feel anxious or scared about visiting the dentist. Treat the appointment as a normal event rather than a big deal. It usually helps if they sit on your lap during the check-up. Very young children may resist. But just reassure them and don’t let your own dental fears affect them.

Morning appointments are best as your child will be less tired.

Teaching children good oral hygiene habits from a very young age will ensure they keep their teeth for life. Our dentists can help teach your kids how to brush and even floss when they are a bit older.


Emergency Dental Care

We have emergency appointments available every day. So if you are experiencing a dental emergency or require urgent dental care please call us on (02) 6884 9555.

Book an Appointment

Our experienced team provides gentle dental care in a relaxed environment. Our dentists are trained and qualified in Australia and are all members of the Australian Dental Association.