Tooth Whitening

How can I whiten my teeth?

At Wingewarra Dental, we offer a take-home tooth whitening kit. This involves an initial assessment, impressions taken of your teeth and custom trays being made. 

Then you, at home, apply the bleaching agent over 2 weeks, which gradually lightens your teeth. Results can vary depending on the cause of discolouration. If you have fillings, crowns or veneers these will not change colour at all.

They may need to be replaced after the whitening treatment is completed to match them to the whitened teeth.


How do I know if I am suitable for tooth whitening?

Your dentist will assess if your teeth are suitable for whitening. They will ensure your mouth is healthy, look for discolouration and assess whether any of your fillings, crowns or veneers will need replacing after whitening (as they won’t change colour).

A scale and clean is necessary prior to commencing tooth whitening to ensure the best result.

They will also look for areas of gum recession and the possibility of tooth sensitivity. Your teeth may become more sensitive during the whitening process. 

This is only temporary and will return to normal once the treatment is complete. Using a sensitive toothpaste can help relieve any sensitivity.

If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, tooth whitening is not advised.


How long will it last?

Over time, certain foods and drinks will darken your whitened teeth. Common foods and drinks that stain teeth are herbal and black tea, coffee, red wine and curries.

Smoking also causes staining which can be difficult to remove. You may need a touch up in six months or after a year or two.


Are there any side effects?

If the treatment instructions are followed correctly, there are no serious risks involved with whitening your teeth.

If applied incorrectly, some side effects include damaged and inflamed gums, blistering or severe tooth sensitivity.


Emergency Dental Care

We have emergency appointments available every day. So if you are experiencing a dental emergency or require urgent dental care please call us on (02) 6884 9555.

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Our experienced team provides gentle dental care in a relaxed environment. Our dentists are trained and qualified in Australia and are all members of the Australian Dental Association.